Language Services

  • *To translate the website into your language, click the word TRANSLATE at the top of the webpage in the blue bar and select your language.  

    *Para traducir el sitio web a su idioma, haga clic en la palabra TRANSLATE  en la parte superior de la página web en la barra azul y seleccione su idioma.


    Wilson County Schools is committed to supporting students and families who do not speak English as their first language. If you do not speak English and you need to contact Wilson County Schools, please email us at in your language, and we will respond to you in your language. If you would like to attend a meeting or event at a school and require language assistance or interpreting, please email us at, and we will try and schedule someone to be there to assist you. Our schools also utilize Language Line Solutions for translation services.  

    Is your child served in the English Learner (EL) program? Please contact Merary Richardson, our EL Family Liaison, for any translating/interpreting needs. She can be contacted at or 252-230-8172.

    For non-EL families who need assistance with Spanish translating/interpreting, please contact Aislinn Ramirez, our Public Relations and Communications Specialist, at or 252-373-3761.