• B.O. Barnes Elementary School is located at 1913 Martin Luther King Jr. Pwky, Wilson, NC. We are a K-5 school with a student population that fluctuates from 330-400 students yearly over the past few years. We receive federal funding via the Title 1 Comprehensive School program, which is used to upgrade the complete educational program in a Title I school thus raising academic achievement for all students. The schoolwide program is available to schools with a student base where at least 40% come from low-income families. The primary goal is to ensure all students, particularly those who are low-achieving, demonstrate at least proficient levels of achievement. Additionally, B.O. Barnes received a School Improvement Grant during the 2015-16 school year; these grants were awarded on a competitive basis to support enhanced professional development, programs, curriculum, and other resources to improve performance at intensive, high-needs Title 1 schools.
    For further information on current goings-on at B.O. Barnes, please see our open facebook page with frequent updates.